This is the corporate website for the Cree Outfitting and Tourism Association (COTA) and Eeyou Istchee Tourism (EIT).
If you are travelling to Eeyou Istchee Baie-James and want to find out about the region’s many attractions, please visit
Un voyage d’agrément à Eeyou Istchee Baie-James et désirez en savoir plus sur les nombreux attraits de la région, veuillez visiter

Staff Directory

Robin McGinley, Executive Director – (418) 745-2220 ext. 4222
Timothy Wapachee, Financial Controller/Corporate Secretary – (418) 745-2220 ext. 4229
Julie Simard, Assistant Director – (418) 745-2220 ext. 4225
Felicity Blacksmith, Executive Secretary – (418) 745-2220 ext. 4221
Rob Imrie, Director of Development – (418) 745 2220 ext. 4231
Stéphanie Bourgault, Coordinator, Marketing and Promotion for EIT – 418-748-8140 ext. 1227
Philippe Bilodeau, Product Development Officer – 418-745-2220 ext. 4230
Victoria Crowe, Marketing Agent – (418) 745-2220 ext. 4227
Élisabeth Bonneau, Marketing and Digital Content Project Manager – 418-748-8140  

Tania Savard, Marketing Project Manager – 418 748-8140 ext. 1226